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World News (Australia hit by major floods)



Strong floods in Australia have affected its largest city, Sydney 50,000 people have been given evacuation notices, as floods have revaged the city for the third time this year. Many areas of New South Wales have been cut off from road access and electricity. Experts estimate that eight months of rain has fallen in just four days.


Although the rains have now eased, strong winds are expected. This is expected to bring more destruction to the flooded neighborhoods.


Experts say that the La Nina weather pattern is one cause behind the floods. La Nina is a weather pattern that changes the weather. In Austrailia, it usually causes more rain, storms, and cooler temperatures. Experts also say that climate change is behind the floods as well.

Many people is in the area are now used to floods and their destructive effects. Many are also tired of the floods. Major floods used to happen once every few decades. Now with the climate changing quickly, floods are becoming much more common. 





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